How do you know when it's just a rough patch vs time to end a romantic relationship?
Discuss any manner of relationship. Friends, roommates, dating, marriage, spouses, kids, etc.
Good food for thought. For me, these are recurring issues that've been ongoing for a few years with limited progress, because my partner is very avoidant and has also been going through seemingly endless personal difficulties. But at the same time, they're very good-hearted and loyal, and I've trusted in that enough to believe we can prevail. Earlier this year, it's like all the accumulated issues finally hit me in the face and I realized that although we care deeply for each other, the romantic element is gone for me. We're in couples counselling currently to try to work through things, but it was only when I hit my breaking point that my partner decided to really be present and take the initiative to work on what I'd been begging for for two years. That stings. In couples therapy this week, I did say, "I really feel like I'm done, but I'm also not sure if I fully mean that." I guess I do have my answer, to some degree.