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I can respect going for the long haul! lmao
I'm making good progress through the recommended matches. This shit is good. Haruka (the 9 year old) could fucking work. I wonder how good she would be now if she had decided to stick with it. Natsuki Taiyo and Nanae Takahashi are really good, but I believe they are vets. Taiyo and Yoshiko are absolutely brutal. My girl Mayu has eaten so many pins. Let her win!
I found out Mayu had a movie made about her. Runaway Wrestler. It was m and of hard to find, but I've got a YouTube link with timestamp if anyone is interested. Stardom played it at the end of a 5+ hour stream
Yep! If you ever saw/heard Cornette whining about Kenny Omega wrestling a 9 year old girl years ago, Haruka is who he was talking about. She sadly didn't have a long career, only 20 matches in 2011 and that was it for her. I believe on Reddit years ago they mentioned hearing she was being bullied in school and likely dropped out of the business as a result (tho it could be a million reasons, she was 9 lol). Would have been nice to see her go for a longer career given how many joshi who start at that age ended up being phenomenal (like AZM)
Not sure about Taiyo (my early years are sparse in knowledge lol) but Nanae is for sure. She worked for All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling back in the day and is one of the 3 co-founders of Stardom with Rossy and Fuka (and of course later Marigold). Was also All Japan's final WWWA World Single Champion (their main belt).
Does it have subtitles cause if so yes please link lol. Been waiting for the guys on Avistaz to upload subs with the copy of the film and they have yet to honour my request (damned dishonourable pirates lol)
I did hear Corny lol. He's a guilty pleasure. I wouldn't really care about Kenny if not for the allegations he threw at Rossy with nothing to back them up. Either Kenny knows something and isn't doing anything to stop it, or he is making shit up while playing with 9 year olds. That's just my opinion though
Taiyo also wrestled for AJWPW from what I read. I think she is the only one not trained by Fuka or Nanae. I live on wikis right now. She's fucking explosive. Makes full use of all five feet of herself. Her dropkicks look so fucking painful.
Only YouTube's shitty auto generated. I only watched like thirty seconds to make sure it was there and the subs half ass worked. They were speaking slowly enough in the beginning it was working well enough I think. Stardom has inspired me to get back to my Japanese on Duolingo lol
Mayu is on the worst losing streak. Nanae had a gauntlet match against like six of the girls, four or five minute time limits. Everybody, including Haruka, got a time limit draw. Except Mayu. Who tapped out. I'm glad I know how things turn out, it's super hard being a fan of hers in the beginning lol. She still puts on great matches