this post was submitted on 28 Feb 2025
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What happened to Fennec and PaleMoon? Are they no bueno these days?
I can't speak to PaleMoon, but I use Fennec on my phone. My understanding is that they try to track as closely as they can to Firefox main, but with enough changes to be a separate thing.
I've heard nothing negative about PaleMoon either, as far as privacy. I do think it's a bit tougher to recommend to the average user due to its single-process architecture.
The memory footprint is great, but everybody is kind of used to the performance and stability gains from multi-process browsers. I would feel weird recommending somebody coming off Firefox jump to PaleMoon.
I feel weird recommending any Firefox fork other than Iceweasel/Fennec (name change only, pretty much) or Tor/Mullvad Browser. Everything else runs a risk of poor maintenance, which could lead to security vulnerabilities.