this post was submitted on 22 Jul 2023
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Tears of the Kingdom. I did figure out where the tear in the Hebra geoglyph was and have gotten a bunch more since then. I went madlad and completed Gerudo second of the four areas despite Gerudo usually being the hardest area in these types of Zelda games, and honestly, the only really hard part of it was the temple boss, which took me a fair number of tries and a short detour from the temple for some cooking, but I eventually beat it when I discovered a trick for the second half of the fight. Now I'm just wandering the land filling the map some more and doing a bunch of side quests and shrines where I find them before I take on the Goron area third.
EDIT: I should note I'm not wandering without an objective, I wanted to make sure I visited Kakariko and Hateno villages at least. I actually spent almost my entire three-hour play session last night in and around Hateno doing side quests.
Ah, nice. I did Gerudo last, followed the advice of Purah and didn't go to southern region until taking care of rest of the stuff.
Have fun filling the rest of the map!