this post was submitted on 22 Jul 2023
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I went overboard while I was reporting users when I started playing RL. Now it seems like Psyonix has shadow-banned me aka they don't care about my reports I do right now haha. I am pretty sure of this as Player Feedback pop-up notifying that action has been taken against an user never gets sent to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
well, sometimes I did report the afk guy but rarely, some started playing but report is already sent. So right now I only report like after 2 goals for afks or obvious playing for another team. I did get the notification from time to time though, not a lot compare to the amount I reported, like maybe 1 notification every 3~4 months.
You're probably not shadow banned. Psyonix/Epic just doesn't care. I've reported probably hundreds of afkers/smurfs/trolls by now and I never got a notification saying they were banned and I have gone afk plenty of times myself when I get bad teammates and have never been banned. I have received notifications when they said a no no word though.
Dude, they aren't manually dealing with reports. There isn't some guy at Psyonix who just hates you or is too lazy to do their job or something.