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I haven't got the mask yet but since I mainly run arc warlock at the moment I'll have to redouble my efforts to try and obtain it. Other than lost sectors, does it drop from any other loot pool?
The new exotics drop from the Vex invasion event on Neomuna as well now. Its how I got the latest ones on Titan and Hunter.
There is a Discord bot that can ping you when the event is about to go live. Assuming you have unlocked all other Warlock exotics, the first completion will give you the helmet.
EDIT: Added link to Discord server
Woah, didn't know about it dropping on the vex invasion event! How would one set up this bot?
Edit: I found it I think -
This link should work:
Thanks! Joined. I've never been able to get into one of those events
Yeah, if it wasn't for that server/bot I would never get the chance to run that event. I love it though, anything so I don't have to do lost sectors anymore
Already worth it - there's one starting in 3 minutes 😂
Edit: lesson learned - once you get the ping, it's time to LFG a fireteam because doing it solo is... challenging. I killed two of the minotaurs on my own, but there are 6. Ready for the next attempt!