A community for Bungie's FPS looter-shooter MMO Destiny/Destiny 2
Keep things civil. No hate speech, NSFW content, personal attacks, witch hunting, etc.
Do not discuss or share any leaks, datamined information, etc. No spoilers
Keep things on topic
No low effort posts, self-promotion, ads, or spam
No posting links to X/Twitter.
Please report any comments or posts you think violate the rules. We regularly check reports and will take action if needed.
- for official forums, patch notes, blogs, and more
The official Destiny 2 Companion app for both iOS and Android
D2 Checklist to track weekly content
-, a database of weapons and items
Destiny Item Manager to manage your vault and inventory
Destiny 2 Armor Picker to manage armor and stats
Destiny Tracker to track player stats
Trials Report to view player stats for Trials of Osiris
Datto for guides, general and PvE-focused gameplay, and discussion
My name is Byf for in-depth lore videos
CoolGuy for in-depth weapon and armor reviews
Aztecross for general gameplay, builds, and more
ninjy for weapon damage testing
Other Lemmy Destiny Communities:
Destiny 2 Builds for character builds
LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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I'd honestly forgotten about participating in this community until I read through DTG's comments on Reddit and saw all the unconstructive complaints and criticism. If you go read through, it's patently obvious how the community has cultivated extremely toxic people.
And I remembered, this Lemmy Community exists. It doesn't have to be at toxic. There's an opportunity to make it a far more chill place to discuss Destiny and share constructive criticism.
Hey, I'm glad you posted it! I'm not sure when I would've seen this otherwise. It's definitely nice over here, even if it's not super busy yet.
While the one reddit video showing a bunch of YouTubers' tweets on it was a little funny it also showed how many people might actually play too much.
I've definitely been in the position before where I played a game way too much and when it was going through a rough patch I became incredibly toxic and hateful about it. What helped me get past it was recognizing that the devs were people and they legitimately cared about the game -- and realizing I could just play other games. I think the last part is lost on a lot of DTG players.
i used to love posting on DTG but it’s probably one of the most toxic communities on the internet, full stop