Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
Rule #1: Be civil
Rule #2: No spam, memes, off-topic, or low-effort posts/comments
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Rule #4: No streams, random gameplay videos, highlights, or shorts
Rule #5: No erotic games or porn
Rule #6: No facilitating piracy
Rule #7: No duplicates
Man epic games store is actual industry aids. We don't buy games on steam because we have no other choice. We buy them because it's by far and large the best platform. I don't want 10 different apps for different games. I want my collection in one spot. Epic games sucks. I've never given them a single cent and never will. I've claimed many a free game on there but the irony is I just buy them on sale through steam and never actually play them on epic. I want playtimes, achievements and the games themselves in one fucking spot. If steam becomes wildly anti consumer I would absolutely change my stance. But valve and it's customers have a pretty good relationship imo.
I wish more companies were like Valve. They are following that old style of making a great product and/or providing a great service to make consumers happy to spend their money there. The only mixed feelings I have about spending money on steam is "do I really need more games when there's a ton in my library that I still haven't even installed let alone played?"
I hope they stay private and that Gabe has or finds an heir that follows his mindset rather than decides to go for a quick payout.
Even when those other companies embrace shitty business practices to make more money and it works for them, they are just setting the stage for a better company to come along and replace them.
Dude, we are so fucking boned if Gaben ever retires/dies/does not become GLaDOS. Valve is one of the only companies I can think of that hasn't squandered goodwill completely and generally maintains a tight ship (aside from maybe Costco).
Can guarantee some random, unkempt, 38 year old asshole from the pharmaceutical industry will make Steam subscription only, throw it on the stock market, and have it tank due to some hedge fund mindset within 5 years if they hire a new CEO.
Not to mention valve making a device that proliferates Linux game support more than anything else… ever.