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My biggest complaint about E:D is that star citizen's flight mechanics and ship design ruined the game for me. Star Citizen has a wider variety of ship designs than E:D. Additionally, the ships I've tried in SC are incredibly responsive, to the point where even the nimblest E:D ship feels like a whale. However, that's about all I can say for star citizen. I mean, it's getting there, slowly but I swear to god the world is going to end before they finish the fucking game.
Meanwhile, E:D is very much a complete game in a massive galaxy. Sure, it may not have as much detail as CIG is trying to put into star citizen, sure it may not have the complexity of star citizen, but that doesn't matter if you can't finish your game. However, E:D's ships suck.
Can we take star citizen's good half and E:D's good half and make one complete game please?