Is this the end of cheap Europe flights? France proposes EU-wide minimum price
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On another note, I was checking out some of your sources so I could learn further and I noticed the source for flights per capita (https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/air-trips-per-capita) isn't actually measuring flights per national individual, only flights inside a country, without accounting for who's flying in them.
The figure was odd to me as I was wondering how portuguese people could be flying this much - you'd think we're all making top dollar here haha.
It's only natural that countries that mostly rely on tourism (such as Portugal where tourism is king over every other sector of the economy) have a big number of flights. Switzerland is a great example as well - it also has a high number of flights despite having a knowingly very good transport system. I'd hazard it's mostly not the swiss contributing to that stat.