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About halfway through my first ever playthrough of Final Fantasy VI. All I can say is "Finally."
VI is wonderful. One really good note I heard from an analysis video was the presentation of VI feels and looks more like a play. A diorama playing out in front of you. So the dialogue and reactions is all based around this idea and setting. Because modern ff or most games in fact are told through a more cinematic lens and linear storytelling. This note might help you enjoy the story more I hope.
Yeah! By "finally," I mean that it's living up to the 30 years of hype haha. I'm playing the pixel remaster on Switch so it has actual vocals and HD-2D art style for the Opera scene. Definitely helps promote the stage play presentation and I enjoyed both versions when I watched the original SNES scene afterward.
FWIW I "liked" IV but was overall disappointed with it when I played it back in 2020 (my first FFs were 7 & 10 when I got my PS2 in 2001). Having a much different experience now with VI.
I'm nearly done with Final Fantasy 5, after having beat 3 and 4 back to back. 6 is up next!
I've been on a Final Fantasy kick for the last year after a long hiatus. I completed 1 & 2 over 20 years ago, and beat Tactics and Tactics Advance a few years after that. After a long gap, I finished 7 (the original) and Crisis Core Reunion within the last year.
My eventual goal is to beat every single-player Final Fantasy RPG, including sequels and spin-off series.
Damn, I envy you for getting to experience them for the first time! I didn't start until PlayStation 2 era so I'm in a more backwards order- did 7/10, 8, Tactics, 9, 12, 15, 7R before going back to 4 on PSP in 2020 and then Crisis Core & 16 earlier this year.
I have the GBA port of 1 & 2 but got bored at some point through 1. Also played maybe half of 13 when it was released according to Xbox achievements. I remember liking it actually but was a huge pothead at the time so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Have a strange nostalgia for it though so I plan on going back soon.