Maple Engineering
Welcome to Maple Engineering
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This is a community for those who come up with creative ways to make maple syrup. You don't have to be designing and building homemade vacuum or RO systems to participate. Have you done something cool with your buckets and spiles? Tell us! Are you proud of your tubes and buckets? Show us! Have you built your own homemade gravity of pumped vacuum system? Show it off! Do you design, build, or install giant, gleaming, stainless steel maple syrup production systems? Tell us all about it! If you don't make maple syrup but love it on your pancakes of johnnycake and want to ask question, ask away. The people posting here love to talk about making and eating maple syrup.
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Everyone (see rule 98) is welcome.
If you've seen a question 100 times answer it the 101st time or ignore it. Even better, write a complete, detailed answer and suggest that the mod(s) pin it to the community.
[Did you actually think there were 98 rules?]
If you present something as fact and are asked to provide proof or a source provide proof or a source. Proof must be from a reliable source. If you fail to provide proof or a source your post or comment may be removed.
Don't be a dick. Yes, this is a catch-all rule.
The mod(s) have the final say.
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We call the trees, "the trees". I guess would could call them the stand or a maple wood or forest. We're a homestead of 16.5 acres so they're just the trees on our property. We don't really call them anything.
There are some rules of thumb. You should only have a maximum of 20 taps per lateral line and 250 taps per 3/4" main line. Those numbers are based on sugar maples which give the most sap. I've got just over 300 taps on my 3/4" mainline in sugars, silvers, and Manitobas and it doesn't feel like it's maxed out. I'm actually planning to put in another 200 taps on another branch of 3/4" mainline and may switch out the near section of the mainline (where the second line will branch off) to 1" mainline. That's a run of 500'.