this post was submitted on 14 Oct 2023
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i love paprika and use it constantly, but I wish the devs were responsive at all.
i previously self-hosted my recipes as plain text on my website and organized/maintained everything manually. I still store them there as such, because it's easier to share with friends this way. But somewhere along the way I switched to markdown, and have a shceduled script that converts the markdown to html files for that directory. it's easy and slick.
but now, my main recipe storage is in paprika - on android - and i paid for it and love it. it's super easy to import recipes from the web, add notes, edit recipes, and maintain a shopping list. it's important to note that I've searched for and have not found a FOSS alternative with such a robust feature set as Paprika, with the excetion of nextcloud (and I'm not interested in that).
i just have two improvements that the paprika team has never even responded to for months: better on-screen formatting (like automatically bulleted lists for ingredients and automatically numbered lists for the directions), and better export options, like something other than plain text (poorly formatted) or pdf. export to html or markdown would save me extra work.
the mobile app is definitely worth the $5 paid, but I have no opinion on the cost of the desktop app.