this post was submitted on 22 Oct 2023
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I don't know... seems to me like there's no sin enumerated in Bible that believer would be unable to somehow explain as a pro god action. God's mercy and 10 commandments are concepts that appear to be paradoxical to each other.
Christians have 10 commandments and can't follow them, most often even won't pretend to, because... checks notes ... god will forgive them... Imagine the talk with saint Peter after death — ”so what do you have to say for yourself?“ — ”well, I went to church and shit, and God forgives“ — ”in my experience he really responds to arrogance and taunting“.
I love the story of the 10 commandments — so he went up a mountain, sat there for way too long (I guess good clubs up there, after all he comes back later), came down with the tablets (something about killing or not written on it), didn't like what he saw, smash the priceless religious relic and proceeded to murder everyone. Any true crime podcast would tell you that is destruction of evidence and premeditation, also clearly psychotic tyrannical religious cult leader kind of situation. Appears to me he ”saved“ them from Egypt for his own amusement.
As an aside — Jews have over 600 commandments sourced from the VERY SAME BOOK.
Judaism fascinates me with their rules. From an outsiders perspective, it's like a constant game of cat and mouse with God trying to find loopholes in their laws.
jew: "murder is a sin!" god: "but if i let a volcano erupt then its natural causes" jew:
You forgot the part of the story everyone glosses over; he went back to get another copy of the tablets and the new set have different rules. The new set is the one called "The Ten Commandments" in the story, not the one most people thing of.