Following instructions from and running the command
ansible-playbook lemmy.yml --become
Gives the below error message for iptables
TASK [start docker-compose] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [root@<ip>]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "errors": [], "module_stderr": "", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "Error starting project 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (\"Failed to program FILTER chain: iptables failed: iptables --wait -I FORWARD -o br-9df07e7bb41e -j DOCKER: iptables v1.8.7 (nf_tables): Chain 'DOCKER' does not exist\nTry `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.\n (exit status 2)\")"}
My iptables were completely empty on the vps when I ran this command. Any suggestions?
I am using a fully up-to date debian 11 machine on a vps and the iptabels are completely clear and its still giving me this error message after flushing iptables several times
No idea then, you will have to do the manual installation (or debug ansible).