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Just because the government infringes on a right it doesn't mean it isn't a right.
Good to know you don't consider free association to be a right.
I'm not whining. Funny, coming from the guy who thew a tantrum over having to follow the rules.
Unions predate Marxism.
The second paragraph I agree with. There needs to be a balance from both sides. I don't work for Tesla, but I have friends who became rich working for Tesla. They did say the problem is you are pushed hard, you are working on interesting stuff, but the stress is unreal. My friend worked there for 5 years and walked away with about 5 million dollars. As such you can say he was rewarded well for his time. THe problem is after 5 years he just couldn't do it anymore.
Management collectively bargains; why shouldn't labor be able to?
Something should countervail the power of the corporate organization; that's a labor union.
Here’s some reading for ya on why unions are beneficial for every sector (including nonunion).