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The key art they released for the episodes shows Vex, Scorn, and Hive.
I’m not sure what we’ll do with the vex but I’m guessing we’ll deal with The Fanatic (he’s still alive I think), then Xivu. The Vex art was red so I’m really hoping for the return or SIVA or a new subclass.
Doubt we’re getting a new engine or a new Destiny game till after Marathon releases.
Unfortunately SIVA will never come back as a current story thing, they said so ages ago. May come in lore tabs etc. like veil containment, but not actual gameplay according to a senior narrative designer,part%20of%20the%20conversation%20narratively.
Sorry it’s a game rant link, was the first one I could find
They're not going to give us a new subclass in one of the chapters. We're already getting some in TFS.
Those aren’t new subclasses. Just new supers for one subclass on each class.
A whole new subclass would be a new element like Strand was in Lightfall.
Yeah, that's fair.