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The official Destiny 2 Companion app for both iOS and Android
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Datto for guides, general and PvE-focused gameplay, and discussion
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Other Lemmy Destiny Communities:
Destiny 2 Builds for character builds
LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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"due to all the vaulted stuff and lack of story"
I am a noob to Destiny 2 and in general. Probably played 10 hours.
How do You mean "vaulted".
So far they've had a lot of cut scenes and characters. So I am also wondering what You mean by "lack of story"? Thx ๐๐
Vaulting stuff means removing stuff from the game. So story wise Destiny 2 is meant to start with the Red war with the Cabal though that Campaign which was an important part of the story got removed.
There are 3 Expansions after Red Fall that were all Vaulted.
All of these Expansions had to be bought and now no longer exist btw.
1: Curse of Osirus
2: Warmind
3: Forsaken
Some weapons and gear also got removed but I am more concerned with the story.
Calling Curse of Osiris an expansion is a stretch, it was a small patrol area with a bad public event.
I had quite a bit of fun with my clan in Eater of Worlds, was one of our favorite raids that we could all talk about whatever topic and still blaze through it without a problem (just like Scourge of The Past) - I do miss that a lot.
However yeah, the campaign left a lot to be desired. At least we got the "Two tokens and a blue" meme out of it (their "most rewarding public event") I suppose.
I started playing Destiny 2 about a year ago so I think Curse of Osiris was already vaulted at that point.