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Yeah. all he did was plan with the Proud Boys to help rile people up and direct them towards the capital; privately reach out and pressure state election administrators to lie and overturn election results; had fake electors ready to fake the election results for the electoral college; claim that he was cheated and lied to everyone for weeks prior to Jan 6th, effectively building a political bonfire that he planned to light on Jan. 6th; give a speech where he helped to incite a mob and direct them towards the capital steps, with the Proud Boys helping to lead the charges and effectively direct the crowds anger; and even actually tried to march to the Capital himself to lead the charge. But other than that, he did absolutely nothing.
Party of law and order my ass. Enforcing the constitution (14th amendment) isn't corruption.
From the article:
Ostensibly for BoaT, enforcing the Constitution is corruption because Trump did all of those things. No one ever says he didn't do those things; they just say those things don't constitute insurrection, and thus Trump is "innocent". Talk about staggering mental hoops...
I wouldn't go that far. There is plenty of people (potentially a few around here) that are willing to say that it's all made up despite the evidence.
Where is the source that Trump planned with the proud boys?
You don't need to make stuff up to make Trump look bad.
@Lookin4GoodArgs Just like I said lol
No federal agency declared Jan 6th an insurrection. You can't disqualify Trump for something that didn't happen.
The 14th amendment does not require that.
Colorado excluded Trump based on the notion that he participated in an insurrection, if there was no insurrection he can't be bared for participating in something that didn't happen.
Yup. But it did happen. And he did participate.
Quit living under a rock.
It's hard to figure out what your original point is if you agree with that statement. I assume you are just trolling.
Edit: I see you are editing posts now.
Who declared an insurrection had occurred?