New Chappelle special searing hourlong takedown of trans cashier who forgot to smile at him
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
Why is it that you apologists never actually apologize, but excuse away bad behavior.
You should be called excusists.
The word 'apologist' comes from the same Greek root as 'apology', apologein, meaning 'to defend'. Apology is now a synonym for saying sorry, but an apologist is a defender of a cause. Apologists typically don't apologise for being apologists, if you catch my drift!
You're annoying and whiney. You don't know shit about me, stfu. And shit shitty community is a weird echo chamber apparently obsessed with Dave Chappelle.
ROFL! Awww… getting your ass handed to you by everyone getting you down a little? Maybe you should take a break from all this and go be wrong somewhere else.
I hear Reddit loves people like you. Maybe check there.
Dave will never play catch with you or tell you he's proud of you, find another father figure.