this post was submitted on 09 Jan 2024
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Who fucking gets bullied in college?
People who didn't get bullied enough in high school and are usually outspoken libertarians.
Outspoken libertarians aren't going to be bullied in college - outspoken anything in college generally leads to people ignoring you. College students that think they're being bullied most likely attribute normal behavior to bullying - just like incels treat normal human interactions as impediments to getting laid.
Your first sentence is somewhat correct, I'd argue that dealing with any kind of absolute like you have done is incredibly dumb though. Of course being outspoken can get you bullied. It may be less likely in a university/college setting, but it's definitely gonna happen. And your second second sentence is so wrong it's almost comical. Bullying at a tertiary education level is so common that I guarantee there's a bunch of studies done on it and probably a wiki page for it too.
Edit: lol, yep, shit loads of studies (and there's plenty more to be found than just these few), and the wiki exists.
This. The specific problem my alma mater ran into was all the conservative students saying they were getting bullied, and when asked how they were bullied, the response was basically "People disagreed with me and now they don't want to hang out with me!"
Sometimes I wonder if they'd actually been bullied, if their tune would've been different...
Genuine answer: annoying people who inject themselves into social circles in which they're unwelcome. And, no, I'm not defending bullying. I'm just explaining how it happens.
Yeah… This maybe isn’t the nicest way to phrase it, but I’ve seen similar situations. Usually people are just kind of talking behind people’s backs, but sometimes it gets nasty :(. Frankly people kind of get bullied all the time everywhere. It’s maybe not as violent as playground bullying but people will be shitty to people at work, school, whatever. Do your best not to be a part of it, try to be self aware if you might hurt somebody else’s feelings, and try to stand up for people.
Or just go postal, that tends to end the cycle.
Also the idiot with samurai swords on the wall and a lack of good hygiene skills.
They just hang out with the other comp-sci students.
Humorously enough, it wasn't comp-sci for me. They were generally the cool tech bros, with some nerdy exceptions. The true neck-beards were a certain subset of physics students. They literally left keyboards greasy when they used the community computers. A friend who was in the higher classes told me classes usually had a couple feet section left blank around them because of the smell.
The other comp-sci students are the one bullying him because they don't want him around, either.
Assholes who become tabacco peddlers.
Members of the LGBT+ community, for one. People who are neurodivergent commonly face bullying as well.
Honestly though, you're right.
And this thread is nuts with the victim blaming. Like holy shit, society really does deserve its problems.
Every time I look at the comments for one of these posts, that's what's going on at the top. I can usually see where people are coming from even if it sounds insane but I don't know what this community's problem is. Maybe a coping strategy from being bullied themselves? It could make them feel like they were in control of it. I've seen that from victims of trauma before.vThat's all I've got for theories.
I guess I just went to a really chill college?
All 4 years of my undergrad my best friend and roommate was a trans woman, we regularly hosted parties where most attendees were members (or even e-board members of) the pride club, i have severe ADHD and many of my closest friends are varying flavors of autistic. As a matter of fact I am still to this day part of a weekly DnD campaign with several of those dick heads.
All that is to say I have a pretty good idea what my college's culture was like for LGBT and neuro divergent people. Probably the most common point of conversation whenever high-school came up was that college was so so so much better about bullying.
I think the only person i know of who got bullied by any stretch of the imagination, was one guy that people just actively avoided because he fucking sucked. Like real piece of shit energy radiating from this guy, and he smelled like 4 year old bottled up farts.
Who still buys tobacco?
The poor (statistically)
interesting & weird since tobacco is exhorbitantly expensive. How can poor people afford it?
Maybe you swapped the cause and effect. Instead of "How do poor people smoke" you could ask "Why are smokers poor".
And then you've already answered your question
One problem causes the other until it's impossible to determine which problem came first. It's a snake eating its own tail.
They take on more crushing debt, steal, beg, lie.
Look at the stats on smoking and income in Canadian provinces. The two are like inverse of each other.
Why are you asking me?
Fine then, keep your secrets
It's rhetorical, it just seemed to fit well with your question
Kids are mean (yes you are still kid when you're an undergrad)