this post was submitted on 08 Jan 2024
72 points (100.0% liked)
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Let's do it with your mom and put slutty clothes on her. Maybe cop a little feelsy. No biggie right? We good?
Oh baby you gonna have a bad day because I don't give a shit and neither does my mom. After she is gone it's just meat. Also I guess you are dislexic because I didn't say it was ok, just that he has a severe mental problem and need help in a institution
So....I can borrow her for a couple hours Tuesday night? What's "dislexic"? I've heard of dyslexic before..?
wiw you are so smart I'm amazed. You must have a lot of people that love you
I do what I can, I'm just out here doing God's work.. trying to stay humble, naimsayin? Is 'wiw' some new acronym you whipper snappers are using? Or is that another typo in your response to my reply about your typo?? I think I'm falling in love 😘