A community to unite neurodivergent people.
A common problem for neurodivergent people is being bullied and ostracized, not only by neurotypical people but also their fellow neurodiverse humans.
Sentences like "I'm glad I only have ADHD, not autism" or vice versa is very detrimental to our collective benefit. Therefore we believe that we should abolish any oppressive/stigmatizing language against other neurodivergent people.
Disclaimer: This is a nonviolent community and we don't want anyone dumping on other people, period. Be it neurotypicals/allistics, etc. We accept the occasional joke (like "allism, a common disease") to highlight the absurdity of pathologizing neurodivergence.
Our rules are vague because bad actors will circumvent clear cut rules just barely and grind the edge.
The rules
- No abusive language
- Stay on topic (no politics or religion)
- No slurs (including the R word)
- No isms (including but not limited to: Ageism, Racism, Apologism etc)
- No Advertising for profit (ND resources are ok if non profit)
Further rules will follow when deemed necessary.
If you have any questions, write me a message at
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My memory for general facts. My husband has ADHD that impacts his working memory, so he is constantly losing or forgetting things. Meanwhile my brain will remember where he put down his measuring tape three weeks ago and why he left it there. I also remember thing like song lyrics, history facts, fantasy/sci fi lore, and other stuff almost indefinitely. I do not have a perfect/eidetic memory, just a very good one, according to most people.
The downside of this is that it was cited as a main reason a psych, who agreed I met the criteria of being on the ASD spectrum, refused to give me an official diagnosis. He said that this meant I didn't have a specific special interest, and therefore I couldn't have autism. So now I have to find someone else who actually follows the criteria.
So not quite Dr. Reed but almost. :) thanks for participating and I think thats quite an awesome superpower.
I‘m sorry you have a doctor thinking he knows things that he clearly doesnt.
Hope you get the support you need! Have a good one.