Vita Piracy - Discussion of all things related to piracy on the PS Vita
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I have a 256GB SD card (with the black & red SD2Vita adapter) and it's been nothing but a joy to use.
I'd say that the possible failure points are:
A bad tutorial: I've followed this one from vitahacks, it was and probably is still the most straightforward tutorial to get it working.
Using StorageMgr instead of YAMT(& viceversa): I've seen some people report that their SD2Vita didn't work well in conjunction with StorageMgr. Then again, I've seen people report that they had issues on YAMT and fixed it by switching to StorageMgr. I switched to YAMT and everything's fine, but didn't have any problems with StorageMgr either. I'd still try to switch to the opposite kernel plugin if I were you.
Too many GB: While there are some people with 512 and 1TB SD cards, I've seen the most success with 128GB and 256GB SD card sizes. I have around 150 games and have roughly 80GB left, so think about if you reeeeeeally need the higher capacities.
A knockoff SD card: What someone else has already commented, abysmal read speeds could theoretically maybe perhaps have an impact on your gaming experience. Make sure you have one from known brand names like ADATA, SanDisk, Samsung, Kingston, etc., and if possible not from Aliexpress, just this once ;). You don't need to splurge on U3 SD cards with 200MB/s transfer speeds, a normal U1 100MB/s will be more than enough.
Personally I'd recommend just going the good ol' troubleshooting route. Install on your internal memory a game that normally stutters on your SD2VITA adapter (possibly the most lightweight), see if it still stutters, go from there. If it doesn't stutter, nice, focus only on the points mentioned above. If it still stutters, nice, you can rule out the points above as the culprit. Install PSVshell and monitor your CPU and GPU (or even overclock if you're just looking for a quick fix) to spot any weird behavior.
Edit: Added advice.