Hi all !
I apologize if i'm off topic. A friend advised to post here. :)
On jlai.lu i use megathread a lot. Its main goal is to regroup all related posts to a topic and leave a link to the megathread in comment.
Here is an example : https://jlai.lu/post/3905951
So let's explain how it would work, feel free to improve this draft or tell me if it's not feasible. I'm not well tuned zith editing rights
First the user has to create a post with sections and send it to the bot. Then the bot @[email protected] publish it to the community mentionned by the user.
Example :
@[email protected]
create a post in [email protected] :
# Vegetable
# Market
# Climate
[[email protected]](/c/[email protected])
I'm an user. I explore lemmy.tdl and see a post Meat market is decreasing in Europe
related to the megathread Farm
for the section Market
and i want to add it to the megathread Farm
So i can call this bot like this :
[email protected] add to Farm section Market
(maybe shorter with symbole ?)
Then the bot will do 2 things :
- Edit the megathread Farm and add
* (timestamp of the URL) [Meat market is decreasing in Europe](URL)
to the sectionMarket
- leave a comment with the link to the megathread
Timestamp of the url, the date of the newpapers if we can retrieve it.
To remove a link from a section, go to the link you want to remove, and write this :
[email protected] remove to Farm section Market
So anyone can participate and edit the megathread. It's collaborative :)
Maybe we can find a way to rectrict it to thrusted users so we can avoid Troll, spam...an array of trusted users who can use the bot and its admin ?
Thank for reading my post. What do you think ? :)