So now you're making your own arguments away from your original position? Got any scientists to back up your preconceived ideas? Find me some peer-reviewed articles that suggest (not prove cause that's very rarely how science works) that the cells developed are not dolphin embryos first. Since we're just jumping to whatever conclusion fits our narrative now...
You are correct, I guess it depends on the age, but there are US states that allow abortion "at any stage" (Colorado for example).
To ensure we are operating off of common definitions:
Embryo: An embryo is an initial stage of development of a multicellular organism.
Fetus: A fetus or foetus is the unborn offspring that develops from an animal embryo.
Regardless the "development stage", I would argue it is still a human.
It's not somehow a dolphin embryo that all the sudden turns into a human at birth.
I would argue at any stage, it is still a human organism, therefore human.
So now you're making your own arguments away from your original position? Got any scientists to back up your preconceived ideas? Find me some peer-reviewed articles that suggest (not prove cause that's very rarely how science works) that the cells developed are not dolphin embryos first. Since we're just jumping to whatever conclusion fits our narrative now...
Does Colorado allow abortion at any stage for a healthy fetus or does there need to be medical reasons beyond a certain point? Be honest.
Can you define what makes it a human?