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All people. Intersex is still determined by chromosomes. That is science.
I think he should have skipped the Christian part. It is irrelevant. Nobody is altering their sex. That is impossible. A trans woman is still biologically a male based on sex. Their gender is woman. It is impossible with current technology to change your sex.
People should sterilize themselves as they see fit. I believe in body autonomy. Live your life as see you fit. If you want to transition from a man to a woman. As long as you are an adult, you should be allowed to do it. If you want to sterilize yourself for any reason and you are an adult, knock yourself out. If you want an abortion and you are an adult, there shouldn't be any unreasonable restrictions.
If you can't control your own body then how free are you?
According to the court case, he never brought his religion into the classroom. So it's unfair to say he ranted in the classroom.
Does telling trans people they're still a man or still a woman get your rocks off or something? Why is this an article you give two shits about? An adjunct teacher teaches a lesson from 50 years ago to people who aren't transitioning isn't news.
Who said anything about telling them? The article is about a teacher fired for teaching accurate biology.
I'm glad God rubber stamped it as "accurate"
What does God have to do with it? God was never discussed in the classroom.
Did you read the article?
Of course not, it's fox news spewing anti-LGBTQ bullshit. I don't hate myself.
Good for you? You didn't read the article because it's about a wrongful termination claim. If you don't find the topic interesting then move on. If you do find the topic interesting, read the article and make a coherent statement.
Every article you post is down voted to hell and back with no meaningful discussion. Your world view is shit. Your ideas are not welcome to anyone but the most echoing of chambers. You mod a community who's most up voted posts call you out for the losers you are. I'm extremely interested in your world view returning to the gutter it came from.
So you think it is acceptable for a biology teacher to be terminated for teaching facts in the classroom? This explains why we have liberals serving me coffee at Starbucks when they claim to have biology degrees.
If you think facts are scary, that is your problem and not a problem of the community.
That is literally not what happened.
That’s exactly what happened.
It's not, the dude is defended himself by doubling down on transphobic BS that he was alleged to say. He literally admitted it.
But you just want more culture war BS to validate your bigotry. You claim to want scientific accuracy, but since you yourself clearly don't understand the science yourself it's hard to take that very serious.
I understand the science well.
So you think saying sex is determined by x and y is transphobic? It’s basically biology.
He did not admit it. He said he never spoke to his students about his personal opinions. He stayed that he said in biology sex is determined by x and y which is true.
You seem to be denying sex is not based on genetics. That is false.
That is not what I'm saying. That is the culture war line you want me to be saying so you can say I'm denying facts, science and truth. Chromosomes absolutely determine sex characteristics for most people, there are many many exceptions, but none that really apply to trans folk.
But that has nothing at all to do with his alleged class room statements, and then confirmed with his letter saying no one should transition and that sterilizing yourself is wrong according to his faith. That is blatant transphobia.
Tell me friend, how often do you swab your friends and grab a petri dish to check their chromosomes before dressing mister or misses? Fucking never right? Chromosomes mean nothing in our day to day world and our concept of gender, sex and identity are more complicated than what a lab test can show. You are hiding behind chromosomes so you can ignore his obvious transphobia.
You are being selectively naive so you can say feign outrage "libs hate science! Facts over feels!". It's extremely bad faith.
It still applies to trans people. They don't get to ignore science. For the large majority of the population, you are XX and XY. It's just the way it works in biology.
No, that is his opinion. I don't agree with him, as I clearly stated, but it is not transphobia. Even if it was, that is protected speech under the law. It isn't illegal to be transphobic. According to the article, this was never discussed in the classroom.
You can just tell by looking or listening. Hasn't failed me in 50 years.
Bad faith, through and through
Keep telling me what's facts and what's not. 🍿
Do you disagree that in biology sex is determined by X and Y Chromosomes? I would love to see a citation otherwise as that is pretty undisputed biology.
I bet your favorite flavor of crayon isn't even a rare color.
"The slowly increasing understanding and acceptance of intersex people exemplifies how scientists and society still have a lot to learn about biological sex and the ways sex determination occurs in humans. Though biologists have an understanding that chromosome combinations influence the biological sex that an embryo develops as, biologists still know very little about the specific genes and mechanisms that control the sexual development pathway. Additionally, there are many factors beyond chromosomes that influence the sexual characteristics a person develops, and scientists are continually uncovering more intricacies in the development process. Finally, the events that lead to atypical sexual development have to be further explored."
Fuck you.
Warning. Violation of Rule #1.
Your post was 100% until that very, very last line.
That doesn't disprove what was stated. It proves what I stated.
From you cite
Humans who inherit two X chromosomes typically develop as females, while humans with one X and one Y chromosome typically develop as males. That is what triggers the male or female. That is why we are a binary species. Intersex is a deviance in the development.
Other variances are viewed as deviant.
The sex chromosomes of human beings and other mammals are designated by scientists as X and Y.
That is what you would be taught in any biology course.
Sounds like somebody is scared of facts they don't like
I'm not here because I might be convinced. I'm here to laugh at the mentally handicapped. Thank you for your time.
I know you are and that is why I am trying to educate you.
X and Y is what determines sex and is taught in biology. Don't be scared of science. It is just how the world works.
Good luck with the beyond dead community. It already seems like more than you can handle.
Should be posted to /confidentlyincorrect. Sure, no one can change their chromosomes, but sex absolutely can be changed and has been the case for Avery long time. The surgery is literally called sex reassignment. Sex refers to physical charcteristics, so vaginaplasty and phallopasty is by definition changing sex organs. Heck, trans women grow breasts on hormones and trans men get a deeper voice and facial hair. All secondary sexual characteristics.
It's common to claim "science" when you only know the basics and haven't read any further. Chromosomes absolutely are the cause of some intersex folk, as well as cases like turners disease.
IDK why you get down voted saying the truth.. feminism and LGBTQIA+ shit are going crazy nowadays.. I believe some people will realize they can't have a biological child with a trans person soon.
I am not anti-trans at all. As an adult, be who you want to be. I don't care. I would never consider a trans person as a dating partner, but that isn't my preference. more power to those who do.
I am a more traditional person when it comes to feminism. I support people like JK Rowling. I find her writings on the topic the best I have read.
You had us in the first half.
Maybe you have never read her writings on feminism. Since she is a female, I think it's important to listen to her views on feminism. As a male, I think listening to females about their world and concerns is important. She changed my views on many topics with her writings.
Right right.
Just like how you think it's important to delete anything that challenges your world view, especially if it's backed up by evidence.
I remove posts that don't conform to the rules.
Do you remove posts because they tell the truth?
Did you just remove the post about Trump owing money because it makes him look bad?
Do you refuse to have the littlest thing possible challenge your world view?
Do you melt when you touch the ground like a snowflake?
Feminism it's extremism, personally I'm not religious but I am more into traditional people too, progressive extremism it's as toxic as far-right wing apologists in my humble POV.
Biology it's biology and it doesn't depend what people believe it's right or wrong.
Oh no, not the extremist view of gender equality! I'm quaking in my boots, I tell you.
Exactly!! feminism isn't about gender equality. Feminism it's about feminist POV above any other POV. It's just one(or many "deserved" ones) gender extremism.
The hell are you on about? That's not what feminism is. Feminism is about equality of women and men and nothing more. Nobody besides a minority of crazy people believe women should be above men, and it's dishonest to paint the entire feminist movement as extremist.
What about if we made a new one called equalism? I believe it's a more accurate term.
Maybe it's just me but feminism sounds like a feminist POV above any other POV.
Modern feminism it's pretty crazy if you look at modern society.
Anything extreme tends to be bad in my opinion. Most people are in the middle. It is the extreme in either direction that screws it up for everyone.
Yeah, any side brainwashing it's bad, indoctrination it's bad, I hope the society of the future have their own view and not just replicate extremist shit.
Going against biology it's definetly a bad point in both sides.
We have stigmatized many words which I don't like. The new speak vocabulary drives me nuts.
Yeah it goes far beyond right and wrong, it's something in our genes, you can't ignore 200k years of evolution.