Balcony vegetables: Tomatoes, beans, peppers, and broccoli on the ground. Spinach and carrots in the basket.
A young community dedicated to balcony gardening.
Show off that vertical veggie garden 35 stories high. Or that bucket of potatoes you're proud of. Perhaps some fall mums that have been catching your eye through the sliding door into your living room. Any and all balcony gardens are welcome! Come and show your's off because we love to see it. :)
We also welcome ideas, tips, and items which have helped you in your balcony gardening journey. No balcony? Feel free to join in with your container garden with limited space too!
Notice Board
This is a work in progress, please don't mind the mess.
We respect the basic rules of the SLRPNK server:
This is actually not my photo. I shared it since it's licensed by the photographer (link in post description) under Creative Commons.