Outrage in Spain as video shows Madrid police ‘violence’ on unarmed black men
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In most contexts it would be a whataboutism, yes, but not this specific one.
Your comment consisted only of characterizing it as a specifically European problem, which my reply is a valid refutation of.
Nobody's claiming otherwise.
No I did not.
Should I have said “this is Europe too”?
Let me guess, you think I should also say “black lives matter too”?
Your transparent and instrumental deliberate misinterpretation of my words is your concern, not mine.
"This happens in all of Europe, not just Spain" would have been better, if that's what you meant to say.
I'm not a mind reader. I replied to the most likely intended meaning based on the words used. If you wanted to say something else, you should have used other words.
I told you what I mean, and still you seek to quarrel with me. Why?
Just correcting your false assumptions, that's all 🤷
Listen. I’m going to explain it to you like you are five.
“This is America” is a phrase often used to lament police misconduct in the US. By adapting it I explicitly referenced US police misconduct, thereby saying “we have this problem too”. Only if you are ignorant or in bad faith could you interpret this explicit reference to the African American struggle against police violence as “this happens only in Europe”.
If there are mistaken assumptions they are yours and yours alone.
That's a hell of a lot to expect people to infer from 3 words, especially when the phase you're adapting IS specifically about it being especially bad in America compared to everywhere else, which it is.
Thoughts really glide off you like water off a duck huh?
Nope. Pointing out your mistaken assumptions ≠ not understanding your subsequent explanations.
Or, to explain it like you're five: not agreeing with your take does not mean not understanding.
The fact that I don’t phrase things exactly like you would have wanted me to is something you’ll just have to accept.
Your arrogant, uncharitable and sanctimonious attitude is also not really doing you any favors.
You expressed yourself in an unclear manner and expected me and everyone to jump to a conclusion that doesn't logically follow from what you said.
Then you started attacking my intelligence and accusing me of arguing in bad faith due to my completely reasonable original interpretation of your vague statement.
I'm not the one being arrogant, uncharitable and sanctimonious here, you are. Please just give it a rest already.
There’s no logic here. It’s a reference. You didn’t get it. That’s ok.
But it’s not my fault you didn’t get it. You just didn’t. Can you accept that you missed a reference? Can you accept that you were working off incomplete implication and reached the wrong conclusion?
Your reference didn't say what you thought it said. It happens. Now leave me the fuck alone.
The reference is primo. You didn’t know it. That’s ok.
Also wait, I should leave you the fuck alone? You have been picking a fight with me all morning!
I haven't, no. I've been calmly and patiently trying to correct the misconceptions you stubbornly cling to.
My patience is at an end, though, so kindly fuck off already.
What misconceptions are those?
I already told you several times. Go away.
No you didn’t. You harangued me for not saying things in a way that would allow you, personally, to understand me immediately. In our entire conversation you never pointed out anything even slightly resembling a misconception that you did not fabricate out of whole cloth by employing a silly bad faith interpretation of my arguments.
So now, once and for all, lay it out.
Come on man, where are these horrible misconceptions that just needed to be corrected?
Just one. Just one wittle misconception that you did not completely hallucinate. You can do it. Come on smart guy!
Really, I genuinely do not know what misconceptions you mean.
Can’t you just explain them to me? Calmly and politely?
I really don’t think you did. Not in a way I could understand immediately at least.
I got the reference! And I don't even listen to Childish Gambino.
Just out of curiosity, what are these mistaken assumptions of mine?
Upvote for explaining the reference. But to expect the average reader to know that is a bit far stretched.