this post was submitted on 04 Apr 2024
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I think N64 was my favorite. I have a lot of NES and SNES nostalgia but the 4 player multiplayer on N64 was when I had the most fun playing with friends.
I had played a ton of arcade games, atari 2600, atari 800, intellivision, og nintendo games but it was San Francisco Rush on the N64 where I had to stop playing because my eyes hurt. I realized I hadn't blinked in an hour or so, I was that immersed in the experience. It was absolutely mind boggling to me at the time.
It was Hexen on N64 where I had to stop playing because I kept trying to play through the headache to and distract myself from being nauseous. One violent vomiting session later I found myself questioning life choices. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ To this day I still can't handle first person games ...or third person games where the camera is too close, too low, too fast, or the framerate isn't consistent/smooth. It kinda sucks.
+1 for the N64. My first Nintendo console (my first overall game console was a Genesis) and the first console to show me how games could really tell a story in an interactive way. So many great experiences with Mario, Starfox, Zelda, I'll even give a shout-out to DK 64 beyond the DK rap. And of course, the 4-player multiplayer just doesn't get any better, with the introduction of Smash Bros and Mario Party and some of the best racing games Nintendo's ever made in Mario Kart 64, Wave Race and Diddy Kong Racing. Didn't play too much GoldenEye but I'll mention it anyway for mastering FPS fun with a single stick.
Multiplayer GoldenEye, Conker's, and Turok Rage Wars. Hours and hours of good memories associated with that, for me.