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7 hours later and I can still see it so I think you might be full of shit.
I see a little blue trashcan next to their comment... but I can still see the comment. I do not know what to make of that.
A glitch in the Fediverse I guess. Here's my view.![](
I think so, there was a spammer a few weeks ago and after mods removed the spam it still showed up for a few days. Here's what it looks like in sync:
This bug report is maybe relevant ?
I think you mean anticolonialism.
What do you call it when you forcefully remove hundreds of thousands of natives without letting them return and then replace them with people from all over the world?
And this is still happening in the west bank.
Only a racist would claim that a slogan which is at most anti-Israel is antisemitism because only a racist would would accept the "logic" chain of though required to equate Israel with Judaism: "all jews are the same hence they all support Israel hence Israel and Judaism are the same".
It's even worse considering that some Jews are against the actions of Israel and even against Israel itself, so this person is saying that those Jews are antisemites (quite literally: against Jews), so a Non-Jew deeming some Jews as "Bad Jews", a good old practice of, amongst others, the Nazis.
One of the underlying messages of this cartoon is exactly that it's the Zionist Karen that's the real antisemite because claiming that somebody demonstrating against Genocide is against Jews, she's implying that Genociding is a Jewish thing to do.
Of course antisemitism ? That is what the repeated front-page news of mainstream media tried to make me believe a while ago, and then lots of politicians started to believe that as well, even banning that sentence in some countries. Here's some information on it : Read it and then say again "from the river to the sea is antisemitic".
Chiefly, it also has the added benefit of being a phrase that you can rhyme with the word "free"
The full chant is "from the river to the sea [Palestine will be free]" which to me means that the state of Israel is unwelcome. Hell I've joined in on that chant, even though I'm not theoretically 100 against a permanent Israeli settlement, so long as it takes on a very very different form.
Even though the removal of the state of Isreal would mean the ethnic cleansing / genocide of millions of Jews?
Israel isn't going anywhere. Many Arabic countries have already successfully completed the total eradication of all Jews within their populations, so they need somewhere to call home.
Oh by the way, the original Arabic translation of "To the river to the sea" ends with "Palestine will be Arab." They just changed it in English.