this post was submitted on 07 Jul 2023
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founded 2 years ago

Maybe you are already a Firefox user, we are part of a minority on the web today, and think that this text is not for you. You’re probably right, but I’d like to make a few points here and ask for your help in taking the web back before it’s too late. And if you don’t use Firefox, you’ve been using some version of Chromium (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave or Vivaldi) a few years ago this wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, but today it’s bad for the health and freedom of an web that respect privacy and is not controlled by capitalist corporations, the so-called Big Techs.

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[–] PhoenxBlue 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)
[–] SirAramis 1 points 2 years ago

It is about the browser's underlying tech. Chromium (and by extension all browsers built on it) uses the V8 JavaScript engine while Firefox uses Gecko(?), and it is important for the health of the web to not let one company control such a major market share of browser space, because then they get to dictate what features are added into the web and everyone just takes it as a standard because of its prevalence.

A common example is what happened with IE in the early 2000s, where it controlled such a massive amount of market that it was essentially a monopoly and whatever Microsoft decided was what happened with the web. That was ended after legislation IIRC and the emergece of Firefox from the ashes of Netscape, followed by chrome.