Submissions should be directly relevant to Barrie and the surrounding area.
Be civil. No insults, trolling and/or personal attacks. We are all neighbours here, so please be kind. Threats and harassment will not be tolerated. Racist, sexist, and homophobic content will be removed regardless of relevance or popularity.
Don't share personal information (including yours). "Name and shame" posts are strongly discouraged and may be removed on a case-by-case basis. In the instance of public interest news, speculation and posting of a persons name is not allowed and removed unless it has been confirmed by a reputable news source.
No Advertising. This includes rentals, buying/selling, free items, classified type of ads, crowdfunding campaigns, and referral links. If you stand to financially benefit from a post, it's probably advertising.
News article submissions should be posted with the original, unaltered headline. If you wish to include your views on it, either submit as a text post with the link inside or it, or as a comment.
We welcome submissions about community events, activity groups, and good causes, but please keep it to one post per group/event per month.
Before you post, please use the search function to double check if the question has already been asked. If you do not see your question asked in the last month, please go ahead and post it.
If you're not sure of something, please contact the moderators!
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Also, the rules are just grabbed from Reddit. I just haven't had chance to really look at it all