this post was submitted on 31 May 2024
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You hit the nail on the head with reference to going public. At that point, it's pretty much out of your hands. You might think you can maintain 51% of the control with the owners, and everything will be fine, but... honestly, just don't go public.
Best by far is just to build it up over time without taking outside investment (or borrowing from family or friends you trust, or from the bank, not investment with shares but just borrowing and paying them back). Going the route of big angel investors is so tempting because it opens up so many possibilities, and trying to bootstrap it is so slow and uncertain, but it is absolutely inevitable that the people who gave you a bunch of money are going to wind up calling the shots. If what you're talking about is something you care about, I would go the bootstrapping route.
I've seen companies work well by bootstrapping themselves up over years of small client work until they were big enough to grow up into real companies, the right way. I've seen companies work well by taking out massive loans and paying them back with interest with these big punishing payments every single month. I've never seen a company that opened itself up to outside investment survive in its original form as time went on. If what you're talking about is important to you, I would do everything you can to stay away from it.
IDK, if you already took on some investment, then I would just work with it as best as you can, and keep in mind trying to get out from under it because you've outgrown it, as quickly as you can. I don't know how you do that really, but that's the direction I would be thinking if you care about these issues.
On top of that, things to keep in mind: