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Anyone got info on how to "catch up" the story in game? I don't think I've played since Shadowkeep at worst, and Beyond Light at best.
The first cutscene of the campaign is kinda a very quick summary of the relevant events of the past few expansions. There are videos made by popular content creators online that cover the story in more detail (you don’t need to watch the 10 hour one, other content creators have made shorter ones).
There is an in game timeline, which tells you the general plot in 2 or 3 sentences and allows you to play a short mission from the DLC. You can find in the director on the top right.
Seasons are excluded though so the best way to get up-to-speed might My Name is Byf recent 'story up to final shape' video. Its 10 hours long, but the description has timestamps for the revent seasons so you can skip around.
Awesome, thank you! I think I watches his video for the expansion through to Beyond Light as well, iirc.
Definitely don't waste your time on Byf. I watched this video to catch up:
It goes over everything pretty darn well.
There's a 10 hour long Byf video of you want that
Yes and no. I love me some long form videos. 10 hours might be much. I played through the catch up missions on the timeline last night and got through a mission or two from Final Shape. I'm worried I fall back into the same issue as before, so much content is relevant and not at the same time. Like I need X weapon or exotic from a dungeon, but I need to run Y raid to get gear to do it. But I'm not leveled for raid, so I need to run strikes. But now strikes are recommended at 1945 light, which I don't think I am yet, so I gotta do random shit til I can run strikes, to run a raid, to run a dungeon, to get into the content.
Not that that is the case, it's just so much to consider with minimal knowledge going in.
Could be wrong but after finishing story you should get gear to do strikes at least. I did legendary story so not sure about normal.
Going through the catch up missions, 2 campaign missions, and 1 onslaught game got me about to it. I think I'm 1943?