Hopefully we don't get any of these issues.
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
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There were a lot of known issues with rc1, I have been fixing a couple of them myself. All known blockers have been fixed now!
Excellent. Thanks as always for all your hard work!
Thank you for the upgrade! Site is working and looking great on desktop, but can't seem to see any posts on ios (tried safari and edge). Attempted to login on mobile but it just brings me back to the login page, also tried deleting cookies and cache but didn't help.
Hey, I have deployed a fix for a specific bug, can you check if it helped at all for you on iOS?
Holy smokes, this is a wild UX and UI improvement. Great work!
Great! I'm glad I'll be able to use Jerboa again (hopefully).
Thank you for being so diligent about upgrading! It looks good everywhere except on Firefox nightly on Windows 11. It looks good on FF Nightly on Android, looks good on Jerboa, Connect & liftoff, looks good on Edge and Chrome on Windows 11, but on Firefox nightly it doesn't have any content and I can't log in or out without restarting the browser. I would upload a screenshot, but I get a JSON error when I try that.
You can use an external image hosting site like Imgur to upload the screenshot. The JSON error happens because lemm.ee has a 100 KB size limit for image uploads.
Yeah, I think that error message should be clarified ^^
100KB. I thought it was 300 KB. Thank you. It'll be late tomorrow before I have access to that machine again. I'll upload it if there's still an issue
I just noticed your username. Haha.
Hey! I have deployed a fix for content not appearing, please check and let me know if it looks any better for you.
Splendid! I hope this fixes the main issues of some posts not appearing, and the frontpage flooding with updates periodically?
I hope this fixes the main issues of some posts not appearing, and the frontpage flooding with updates periodically?
I hope so as well 😃 (the frontpage flooding with posts should be gone for sure, as for posts not appearing, we'll know the full extent of the improvement once most of the network upgrades to 0.18.1)
As well as being able to be accessed by Jerboa again.
I'm responding from lemmyonline.com because I can't see this post signed into lemm.ee. Anyway the presentation is fantastic now, looks beautiful. Problem is I'm missing posts. A couple things are fixed that were broke by 0.18.0 so that's great to see. If it weren't for the missing posts, this release would be a winner. It's a release candidate so no surprise there's issues, but it's looking like the official 0.18.1 release is going to be golden.
BTW, I logged out, cleared my browser cache, and logged back in to check no issues due to stale data.
I can’t see this post signed into lemm.ee.
Are you by any chance hiding read posts?
This also seems to apply to own posts (since you obviously read them, duh). Confused me once.
Thanks, had to check. But yeah I have "Show Read Posts" checked.
Can you double check that you have all languages selected under your profile? Other users have reported that they were missing some languages, and until they selected the rest, posts weren't showing up.
I have noticed a couple of things with error responses, like when you upload a profile picture above the size limit, it will just throw a JSON error, and I had to search through the error the console threw to figure out why. It's the same when you mess up your email/username on login
Besides that, this site is amazing!
I have noticed a couple of things with error responses, like when you upload a profile picture above the size limit, it will just throw a JSON error
Seen the same thing. There is an open issue on GitHub: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3366
Working great! And Jerboa too.
@[email protected] Thank you so much for all of the hard work you're putting in here!
Ahh...so much better whitespace usage. Earlier, it felt like I was using a mobile app.
Whoa, it looks so different now! Gonna take me a few minutes to get used to it but... GLORIOUS USAGE OF HORIZONTAL SCREEN SPACE!
Moving the collapse/expand button to the left of the username is just so much better. I know there are a bunch of other fixes and changes, but this simple thing was really grating.
Thank you for upgrading! 0.17.4 felt really unusable with all the random posts coming in all the time due to webhooks.
And now I can use Jerboa!
For 2 minutes before this comment you are reading, I started to get really slow response on loading postings and communities. Then an actual error came up:
Refreshing a few times and it then loaded the post I was viewing. PostgreSQL most likely too busy.
My first annoyance, when I hit tab it goes to language, rather than post. No more Tab + Space or Tab + Enter to post my comment.
But at the same time, it's soooooo nice not having the first page filled from the top with posts that don't fill the sorting mode I've set!
You can save a comment with "Ctrl + Enter" now (which is what I always tried before and didn't work).
Ah funky, the standard email shortcut. Good to know, thanks!
Edit: another weird thing it does though: when you post a reply to a comment it goes to that comment new directly, rather than the comment you were replying to or your new comment + context.
Seems suspiciously functional so far! I say suspiciously because my other account was witness to the .world attempt yesterday lol, but I can already see a lot of stuff has been worked out since then. Crazy fast turnaround, well done to everyone involved!
Another weird thing that's happening is that the background of every new comment seems to be styled with the highlight color, I am also seeing that behavior on the voyager test instance running 0.18.1-rc4, see here: https://voyager.lemmy.ml/?dataType=Comment&listingType=Local&page=1&sort=Active
First two comments have the highlighted style, the old ones don't.
(By "new" I mean recent, the highlighted color doesn't seem to change after "reading" it or replying to it.)
D...did the font size get smaller on desktop? Oh god, I feel old.
I seem to be unable to create reports since the upgrade yesterday. Have so far tried hard refresh, relogging, clearing cache / cookies, and trying it from the mobile browser as well as desktop.
Anyone else seeing the same problem?
I have received several "test reports" of this particular comment by the way 😃
Will need to look into why it's not working reliably
When trying to make a report, the backend sends the response:
"error": "couldnt_create_report"
Looks like a backend issue.
If I log out and then back in I see this message. If I go back and refresh, it's gone. You asked me before to check languages in my settings, but that box has never worked right for me. If I highlight a language and hit the x nothing happens. How is that box supposed to work.
Try this: highlight all languages, and click save at the bottom of the page (do not click the X at all) - does that make any difference?
Yup, that did that trick, all fix, thanks!!!