Disable the DHCP on cAP AX?
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ah I already tried that when i got it and i messed with it but it was horrible to configure as i had no lan cable in the beginning, and every failure meant i had to reset the router since i didnt have connection to it anymore xD
so i disabled dhcp server
i changed adress aquisition to static and entered the router network ip address into the gateway wich let me connect
and then i entered it also into the dns server field wich gave me access to web
then i changed subnet mask and i lost access. im resetting the AP
btw usually:
my telecom 5G router/WAN is, its set to bridge mode connected to the nighthawk router and all my devices usually are on 192.168.1.x
the nighthawk is
the AP is
im not sure how to configure the subnet as you say. i only know about those preset mask settings
i now reset the AP, this time i didnt enter an ip adress and the router configured itself into bridge mode. wich is great for the lan but it cant do wifi in that mode....
not sure how to proceed.
ah I already tried that when i got it and i messed with it but it was horrible to configure as i had no lan cable in the beginning, and every failure meant i had to reset the router and enter the password from the back since i didnt have connection to it anymore xD
anways so i disabled dhcp server
i changed adress aquisition to static and entered the router network ip address into the gateway wich let me connect
and then i entered it also into the dns server field wich gave me access to internet
then i changed subnet mask and i lost access. im resetting the AP
my telecom 5G router/WAN is, its set to bridge mode connected to the nighthawk and all my devices usually are on 192.168.1.x
the nighthawk is
the AP is
im not sure how to configure the subnet as you say. i only know about those preset mask settings
i now reset the AP, this time i didnt enter an ip adress and the router configuret itself into bridge mode. wich is great for the lan but it cant do wifi in that mode....
not sure how to proceed.
Looks like you’re running two routers on your network. That’s generally not something you want to do unless you have a specific reason. I’m assuming you have DHCP running on both. Which means your PC is on a different subnet from the rest of the network and behind a double NAT. Try turning off DHCP/router mode on the mikrotic.