i think what has to be done now is third party clients recommending lemmy/kbin, or even better, become lemmy/kbin clients with paid reddit functionality.
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Yeah, even some simple public statements like "migrate" would help a lot.
AFAIK the current status quo is like this:
- Sync - Sync for Lemmy is already confirmed.
- Narwhal - decided to accept the abusive API prices and relay them to the subscription cost.
- Apollo - Selig likely moved to other, unrelated projects. Can't blame him - I bet that this whole ruckus weathered him down.
- RiF, Bacon Reader and others - I got no info.
I'm kind of hoping that Narwhal implements some sort of tiered subscription price, where the basic/cheaper software works for other platforms than Reddit, and then you need to pay a premium to use Reddit. That would hurt Reddit really bad. That's just my wish though.
Both RiF and bacon are going belly up, will simply stop functioning once their API keys are pulled. Bacon's going so far as to remove the app completely from the store.
There's someone developing a version of Slide for lemmy, which I'm personally exited about because that was my reddit app of choice.
i wish apollo added this functionality. i see it a lot in discussions and it leads me to believe its one of the most (if not the most) popular third party client.
There's an Apollo clone in the works, called Wefwef for Lemmy. Its browser version seems to work decently enough, but I'm doing it from a desktop so your mileage may vary.
It is not the official Apollo though. Frankly in Selig's shoes I'd do the same and say "screw all this shit - I've been lied, lied about, treated like shit, and I got to repay 250k to my former subscribers."
Wefwef is really good. The developers are upgrading it almost every day with new features.