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Quick pain-saver tip
web-mode is well suited for most web dev.
I used it extensively for vue.js (html/css/typescript in the same file) and it worked well. Pretty sure it should be fine for typescript + jsx
As for the language server, it seems that typescript-language-server is the way to go (see)
Give it a try, i'm pretty sure that those two things will cover 90% of your needs
I use:
- apheleia for code formatting via prettier
- envrc for managing node versions
- add-node-modules-to-path
- js-ts-mode, typescript-ts-mode, tsx-ts-mode via treesit-auto
- eglot with tsserver
Along with something for eslint in flymake
Looks like adding layout node
to .envrc
(direnv) would remove the need for add-node-modules-to-path
for me
using much of the same combo and I'm happy with it, except I'm using the vtsls LSP.
This is an LSP wrapper around TypeScript extension bundled with VSCode. All features and performance are nearly the same.
it's pretty snappy with (fset #'jsonrpc--log-event #'ignore)
add-node-modules-to-path is broken since npm dropped support for the npm bin
That's not great. I bet the project I was using it on is quite old. In the meantime, as stated https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/1865s7b/recommended_setup_for_react_development/kb7kej1/
envrc and layout node
seems to work for me!
I had to fiddle around to make lsp work with treesitter in emacs 29, I can share my conf if you struggle to do the same
Not really doing React atm, but for node TypeScript I use tide-mode
Has anyone else incorporated that for React development?