My daughter just graduated from Kindergarten! I am so proud of how far she has come, but she is already anxious about Grade One. Does anyone have advice on how to help with that?
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My daughter just finished elementary school. Holy crap does it go by fast.
Congrats to your daughter! She's at such a fun age. I remember always being nervous to start the new school year, then feeling better as soon as I knew which friends were going to be in my class. I wonder if you can get ahold of the class roster before the first day? Shopping for some special back to school outfits always gave a little confidence boost too. 😊
My 3.5 year old requested and ate salad with cucumber, tomatoes, and balsamic last night. I feel like we're finally turning the corner on picky eating.
My 17 month old has just learned how to come to me for a kiss on her "ouch"s.
Today she has developed Hand Foot and Mouth 🙃
15mo has started blowing kisses back and it's the sweetest thing!
My daughter is 2 months shy of being 3. She can say most of the alphabet (gets a little bleh around lmno), and can count to 17 on her own. Is that good?
Any tips on potty training? We can get her to let us know when she has to go/has gone in her diaper/pull up
This book: Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right by Jaime Glowaki. was such a great resource for me and my wife. Circumstances are different between families so we kind of used it as a template but my daughter just turned three and is able to go find the potty on her own and go #1. Still working on #2 but that ones a little harder.
But my top piece of advice is: Stay consistent. Create a routine and stick to it. Teach them to seek out the bathroom, after waking up in the morning, before outings, before bed, etc.
Another vote for Oh Crap! We used it with our first and are about to use it again with the second.
My littlest boy got his seahorse certificate (it's a German thing meaning he can swim and dive) and leaves kindergarden this summer.
I did the same stuff with my other two but it's a wild feeling to do these things for the last time.