Relax, that’ll happen in due time. We just got here to our new diggs, so it’ll take some time. So chill out and watch the community grow its own identity, that most certainly will have some reddit DNA in it.
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Reddit refugee here saying hello. I hope you don't mind that I'm here.
New places take time and I like meeting me people in new places.
Maybe this time we won't screw it up!!
Not quite sure how you mean this?
If you mean this as a newcomer, it takes time to adjust to the new space for sure, but I think everyone adjusts within a couple of days.
If you mean this for the people who already here... well I don't think you mean it that way lol.
We'll all settle in soon, friend!
Reddit's user base, communities, and content have all evolved dramatically over time. I understand that people want a drop in replacement for it since they are unhappy with the current management of the site, but that simply won't happen. Lemmy will develop its own culture, and it will probably take a long time before we have something comparable to reddit as it exists now. That being said, I think it's really exciting being a part of this community and I hope it grows into something great.
I know what you mean, I've only been lurking around lemmy for the past month, but I've seen loads of subreddit-copy-paste communities spring up, some populated soley by content reposting bots. It seems that every other post is mentioning Reddit for one reason or another.
I think it's natural, I think a lot of people are experiencing grief, feeling like they've lost something. I think that'll go away in time, those communities that don't get real activity will die, those that do will diverge from their subreddit progenitor, and lemmy originals will continue to exist/be born.
I hope new users evolve beyond Reddit culture though - with all the different instances, it'll be interesting to if we end up with a single culture, or multiple cultures.
Do you guys understand clear sarcasm? Because redditors needs /s (saracasm) after every sarcastic dripping statement.
In general this space has the same issue that written communication is less permeable to sarcasm.
OMG Chais, they were being sarcastic!