I think of the new hardcore servers as the next "love letter" to their fanbase. In the same way that Classic Vanilla was, but perhaps lost it as they started making changes into Classic BC and Classic Wrath, to the point where now Classic WoW is becoming unrecognizable to its original (or perhaps second) rendition in the Vanilla rerelease. This is what they were asked for and they listened, working with the important community players in a way that, by and large, seems to be paying off. I'm also in the don't-trust-Blizzard camp, but it's important to praise them for a job well done when they've done the right thing. And it seems like they did a good job so far.
World of Warcraft
@aessedai I couldn't have said it better myself, friend, thanks for your insight :seemsgood: #wowclassic
I can see players setting up makgora tournaments where people can level toons and enter them to fight. People can bet on who'll win in duels and it could be a cool way to gamble and cheer for your favorite champion. I just think it makes for some really fun RP!
Oh yes! I am also excited for duels to the death! Honestly I'm hoping for some spicy content creator drama to come out of it🤣
I'm waiting for Makgora tournaments with only hardcore toons. Maybe something like level 20s so that the loss isn't such a major investment.
I have very little trust in Blizzard nowadays, and even less love for them.
Currently playing on TurtleWoW and I'm having an absolute blast! With 5.5k average concurrent players every day and all the goodies that Vanilla++ brings, I have absolutely no reason to even consider retail.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRNuRWizzDE let's rewatch this and appreciate how fucking smug he looks like while giving an ultimatum
Same man, TurtleWoW has been fucking amazing. I am not doing HC, but I am doing the Slow & Steady / Exhaustion glyphs and just enjoying every second. Should hit 40 on my hunter today! Had a great time in the Crescent Grove dungeon too. Finding groups is surprisingly easy so far.
Playing for the first time since mid-Legion got me wanting to try retail again. I reinstalled and rolled a new hunter. Holy shit though, it was a horrible experience. Even the sounds of the gun firing were horrible, it sounded like someone slapping jello with a fish. I was killing literally everything in 1 or 2 hits, and it all just felt utterly worthless and pointless. The forced story tutorial made me want to die. Ugh, I can't imagine playing that game now.
Maybe I'm just missing the point now, but I don't get it anymore. The vanilla experience and even up until I left at Legion felt way different than whatever it is now.