Hell House LLC Dead stream
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Deadstream was a fun one.
Grave Encounters As Above, So Below The Visit
As above so below! That movie is so good. It's not for everyone, but I love it.
I really enjoyed Grave Encounters. Did you see the sequel? Wondering if it’s good too.
I didn't get to finish the second but for the first half hour or so it didn't feel quite like the first.
- The Last Broadcast
- Trollhunter
- Man Bites Dog
- The Last Horror Movie
- Creep
- As Above So Below
- Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
- S&Man
- Home Movie
- Willow Creek
- Lake Mungo
- The Tunnel
- Crowsnest
- The Poughkeepsie Tapes
- The Sacrament
- The Houses October Built
- Hell House LLC
- My Little Eye
- Trash Humpers (more unsettling than horror, really)
- August Underground (prepare yourself before watching these, they're.. a lot)
Good list! Couple new movies to watch this weekend now! Thank you
any time! they're not all winners, but they're at least entertaining.
Not so much found footage since it's supposed to be live, but Deadstream is a blast.
The Deep House also a good one.
Butterfly Kisses
I don't want to spoil anything, but as the movie progresses, it legitimately feels like it's real.
Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. It’s a Korean horror that has some really good scares.
As Above, So Below is also a really good one.
Chernobyl diaries
Lake Mungo, as above so below, and the tunnel are some that I enjoyed