We can subscribe to peertubers using lemmy or mastodon accounts? How?
A free software to take back control of your videos
Peertube is an open, federated alternative to Youtube without advertising or tracking. On this site, you can find a good Peertube instance, with good rules, good moderation and most importantly a friendly community.
You can do this in two ways, through peertube, or through your mastodon account.
On peertube go to a video, press subscriube. Under subscribe with remote account, write in your mastodon address. Press subscribe remotely.
On mastodon search for [email protected] and press their profile. There you can follow as if they were any other mastodon user.
Hmm maybe the subscribe it's down right now, but "On peertube go to a video, press subscriube. Under subscribe with remote account, write in your mastodon address. Press subscribe remotely."
Isn't working. At least on the 2 peertubers I tried to do it on. I put in, @[email protected] , but that didn't work. The other method works though.
On peertube you have to insert your mastodon account, not the peertube channel. Also, it seems like you have to omit the first @. So I would write [email protected].
Weird, i omitted the first @, but I still get:
"Error Cannot fetch information of this remote account"
Are you trying from Mastodon or Peertube ? Maybe the instance owner blocked federation with an instance ? For Mastodon I like using the search box, with the user info showing up in the middle and a follow button, instead of going for the option of another browser tab open for a remote follow.
Hm, have you tried from another peertube instance?
If that doesn't work, have you tried subscribing from mastodon instead? I wrote instructions in an earlier reply.