For color, I like the look of Vision3 250D, Cinestill 400D, Gold, and Lomo 400. It’s hard to pick one since there’s so many to try! For B&W, I really enjoy TMax 400 though.
Film Photography Discussion
Film Photography Discussion
It’s funny I see a lot of people say 250D isn’t that interesting but I’ve always been rather happy with the results from it.
I’ve only been able to shoot 1 roll of 250D and 1 roll of Cinestill 400D (I think people say it’s the same minus the remjet) but I really enjoyed the results. It’s pretty cheap to find but finding a place to develop it is more difficult and expensive than C41.
I’ve not tried 400D as normally dev at home so just go for the cheaper pre rolled vision 3. But will have to try it one day as removing them remjet is a bit of a pain.
Tmax 400 +2 is the 🐐
Haven’t tried pushing it yet! How grainy does it get?
Less than HP5. Example here:
Shout out for JCHStreetpan 400. I remember finding some pictures people had done, loving the extreme contrast plus smooth tones. Shot a roll and it was wildly under exposed. Now I shoot it at 200 and it's awesome.
For color it's tougher. Gold 200 is pretty freaking sweet. Lately I really love the heavy reds of all this Aerocolor IV that's getting re-spooled lately, been shooting the Santacolor 100 version.
Vision3 500T. It pushes like a dream: 3 stop push metered at 3200 makes for awesome nighttime photos. B/W wise I love Eastman Double-X at box, or HP5 with a 1-stop push.
XP2 Super - hands down - can use it 100-400 in C41, holds the highlights better than HP5. Swap to xtol, and it's solid up to ISO 1600 with dynamic range that matches HP5.
Current favorites are Lomo 800 and TMY-2 (pulled a stop)
I’ve been bull rolling and shooting 250D and HP5 almost exclusively for the past year and I feel like I’ve gotten to a very comfortable process for both.
Love that it's C41. Definitely underrated