I don't understand why that second step is a triangle not a parallelogram.
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
Could be easily fixed by building it out a little on the inside
That sounds like shite behavior from the council but (I know this is cliche) it is physically painful for me as a German to look at this wonky-ass stairs ^__^
Living in the UK atm where I have plenty of opportunities (on council-build stairs!) to exaxtly know absolutely weird it feels to walk down stairs where every step is a different length (and sometimes also height), like stumbling through a nightmare ...
Still better than no stairs, obviously ...
This is the kind of national news we need!
Honestly, if he didn't make the first 5 steps so inconsistent it wouldn't have been bad at all.
I can't see the handrail being too high in this case (but I'm just another armchair Muppet), it's just the way the top of the stair is basically a game of hopscotch
It sounds like he's done a solid job of lighting a fire under the council, so good on him I say.
Better to ask forgiveness rather than permission.
Edit: how did I get that backwards?