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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ProfessionalGroup799 on 2023-07-03 03:25:51+00:00.
I (26m) was flying with a budget airline and picked for random seating as I usually do, not for any reason other than it’s cheaper.
It can, unsurprisingly, be a lottery of good and bad but this time I won big. I was assigned a middle seat (usually bad) but it was in a completely free row. No one either side of me.
I could see my seats being eyed up pretty early on by this couple but didn’t pay much attention as we were going through the rigmarole and procedure to take off.
Once we took off a guy comes over and asks if I would switch seats so he could sit with his girlfriend. I said no. The guy had an aisle seat and people next to him. He then asks if I’d switch with the girlfriend (window seat) I again say no.
He then starts questioning me if I’d paid for all three seats, at which point I ignore him and put my headphones back on. I’m then interrupted again as the guy has called a flight attendant over. Shockingly (at least to me) she takes the guys side and her “compromise” as she puts it is that I move over to the window so they can sit together on my row. I again refuse and say I have no reason to compromise as this is my allocated seat.
They gave up after this but obviously it caused a minor commotion and for the next four hours I was given major stink eye by everyone around me including the cabin crew.
I really don’t understand how I’m in the wrong though? If sitting together meant so much to them they could’ve paid €8 to do so, instead they tried to hassle me out of my seat for free.