In my experience it's more like "because I am uncomfortable with the idea that we have no purpose, there is no afterlife, and children die of cancer for no reason."
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Nothing conveys a statement quite like a neckbeard with a poster.
thinking is hard for me, but I'm antitheist. Not atheist. Antitheist. Where do i fit in?
atheist is probably fine.
if you wanna be anal about it:
atheist - there is no god
agnostic - i don't know if there is a god and i don't care
Atheists don't claim that there are no gods. It's is impossible to prove the non-existence of something, so if you make such a claim, you get into belief territory. Most atheists are agnostic atheists, i.e. I'll be happy to believe in your gods once you present evidence for their existence.
Fwiw, the "a-" prefix (see also "an-", eg, "anhydrous") can be described as "without", "lack of", or "not".
Work out the definition for "theist" and go from there.
anti theists - there might be a god, but I don't like him.
I'm Antitheist as well! And you fit in right here my friend.
Do you believe in gods? No? You're an atheist.
right but anti theists OPPOSE gods. which would lead one to presume that they might believe they exist.
Antitheists oppose religion, not gods. I'm an atheist because there's no reason to believe that anything supernatural exists, and I'm an antitheist because I think belief without evidence is inherently harmful.
Antitheists oppose theist thinking. The term is usually used by people who identify as actively opposed to religion rather than just nonbelievers.
that actually makes more sense.
well if that's the case, I may very well be an antitheist. being raised as a Christian these terms really aren't familiar to me. I've just called myself agnostic and gone on my way.
I don't really know what i believe. I'm probably more agnostic than anything. If there is a god, it's a cunt.
I think it was Carl Sagan that said they're answers to two different questions:
Is there a God? I don't know. Agnostic.
Do you believe there's a God? No. Atheist.
Thus he chose "Agnostic Atheist," equal emphasis on both.
I'm definitely agnostic. if there is a god, we have no way of knowing, and I'm not going to waste my energy on it.