Can't piss off the boomers by mentioning climate change, that would alienate 80% of a TV audience. There's still watchtime to be gained and sales to be had before the world ends.
Breaking news and current events worldwide.
This is pretty accurate actually, i think some polling came out a while ago the 18-25 demo does not watch TV compared to the 50+ generation so "ignoring" climate change is kind of playing to their demo
My condo board is going after my neighbor for adding insulation to the attic above his unit to have him remove it. Our condo has insulation based on standards from the 70's. Spending my assesment money to go after him. Everyone on the board has children and grandchildren.
What a waste! I just don't understand some people.
This is how you fix stupid amirite?!?
its just insane and he did it at his expense. I might have followed suite and other folk because the top floor gets the worst of it utility energy wise and everyone below would have benefited.
The sad thing is.. it doesn't matter which side of the political fence you're on... We all know climate change is a real thing, and year after year it gets worse.
But one side wants to address it, while the other side wants to get paid to ignore it.
Then the propaganda machine gets spinning, and you've got people that know better arguing against it just because they don't want "the libs to get a win".
So, they'd rather watch the world burn than do anything about it.
As conservative as my grandparents were, if you got them talking about it outside of politics, they would agree with you on anything related to climate change... As soon as you brought up any plans to do something about it... It's t"he Dem are trying to take over your life".
So.... So... So very sad.
Maybe there isn't any specific data definitively linking a hot spell with climate change?
Aren’t these hot spells becoming increasingly common?
Climate change = significantly hotter average summers and/or significantly colder winters.
That’s why the mainstream changed from global warming to climate change. When it was global warming, everyone assumed the entire world would get increasingly hotter but that’s not necessarily true. The world on average would get significantly more hot but there will be areas that have crazy winters when they used to have no/mild winters before.
Edit: it’s hard to pinpoint one specific data point and say “this is why this is happening.” Especially globally. But we can look at the average temperature across the globe and compare historical records to show something is changing.
The earth has gone through many warming/cooling changes throughout its history (we know this from examining core samples from polar ice and rocks from across the globe). We only have approximately 140 years of specific temperature data for a planet that is 4.5 billion years old. It's premature to be Chicken Little yet.
It’s true that the Earth has gone through many warming/cooling cycles. We have more than 140 years of temperature data. Scientists are able to use samples from ice in polar regions to accurately trace temperature back more than 200,000 years. There are also geological and botanical signs that scientists are able to use to give approximate temperatures.
The difference between past cooling cycles and present-day isn’t that we are getting hot, it’s the rate in which we are doing so.
Even in the 140 year span that we’ve been using thermometers and able to record data purposefully, the past 30 years has rapidly increased. Historical records show that the temperature increase we’re experiencing is something that used to happen over multiple millennia, not within a century or two.
Are you aware how long it takes to go through those warming and cooling cycles though? Human activity is clearly the cause of this current warming.
Here's a nice visual representation. Please don't eat the crayons.
I'm sure the fact that every year is hotter than the last has nothing to do with it.
Aren’t almost all of them owned by a handful of rich people who actively benefit financially from climate change denial?
Why is this even remotely surprising?