I think the idea was “why take it away?” It is more work to take something like that away than to make the user auto-upvote
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It kinda makes sense. I mean, technically you like your own post, otherwise you wouldn't upvote it.
But in practice, it does make sense. If all posts are automatically upvoted, there won't be any taboo or ill feel about users upvoting their own post as everyone does it.
You can upvote yourself on most platforms. You can like yourself on Facebook, you can give yourself a heart on Instagram. It's just not considered very tasteful as it is off by default.
My guess would be that it's kind of pointless to implement checks if the liker is also the poster just to prevent them from liking themself.
In the words of Ethan Klein:
"If I'm not going to like my own videos how can I expect others to?"
Wow you out here making me look like an idiot because I downvote myself
I believe in many elections (in the US anyways) you can vote for yourself. I assume most people always do. I think the idea of not supporting yourself is maybe a little odd.
They say 1 is the loneliest number but personally I think zero is lonelier 🤷🏻♂️
There've been a few occasions where I disagreed with my own post. I couldn't just let myself get away with bs comments, so I had to downvote to teach myself a lesson.
I’ve also found this strange. Would love to know the answer.
Current me might think "I'm a genius!" when making this comment.
Future me might think "holy fuck why and how was I so cringey at that point in my life😬"